Keynote Lectures
Francois Nicot
Dr. F. Nicot is currently Professor at Savoie Mont Blanc University. He received his Engineer and PhD degrees in civil engineering on 1995 and 1999, respectively, at Centrale School of Lyon (France). As a world-renowned researcher in soil mechanics, his activities deal with geomechanics, with a special focus on micromechanics of granular materials and multiscale failure modeling. Application fields span from constitutive modeling of geomaterials to gravity-driven natural hazards analysis, including slope engineering issues. He has published more than 200 articles, including 150 papers in international journals together with more than 20 collective books.
He is deputy director of the International Research Network GeoMech (Multi-Physics and Multi-scale Couplings in Geo-environmental Mechanics), gathering more than 25 academic institutions over the world. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering (T&F Publ.), and he is Associate Editor of Water Science and Engineering (Elsevier – Hohai Univ.) and Granular Matter (Springer Publ.)
Dr. Fernández-Merodo is mechanical engineer from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (1995) and PhD in soil mechanics from Ecole Centrale Paris (2001). He is currently vicedirector for research at Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (Geological Survey of Spain, IGME-CSIC) and professor at the School of Mining and Energy Engineering, Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). He is specialised in numerical modelling of geotechnical problems applied to geological and mining hazards. His main research interests include: mathematical, constitutive and numerical models for thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical coupling problems and calibration-validation of models using in-situ, laboratory tests and advanced monitoring technics (space based interferometry). In the last twenty years he has participated in 42 research projects (17 funded by the European Commission) and led recently as main researcher the projects: "PROMETEO: Predictive Infrastructure Maintenance using Intelligent Remote Monitoring and Integrated Dynamic Modelling", "AQUARISK: Study of geological-geotechnical risks due to the exploitation of aquifers through space and terrestrial techniques" and "PROTHEGO: PROTection of European Cultural HEritage from GeO-hazards". He also participated in several important research contracts with public/private companies. According to Google Scholar, he has currently 2344 citations and an H-index of 28.
He teaches solid, fluid mechanics and numerical methods and participates regularly in international postgraduate schools related to geological hazards and geomechanical modelling (ALERT-Geomaterials school, LARAM school, Chinese Academy of Science, CEDEX Master).
Núria Pinyol
Núria Pinyol is Associate Professor in the Geotechnical Division of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-BarcelonaTech). Her research emphasizes thermo-hydro-mechanical couplings in porous media from a theoretical, numerical and experimental point of view. Her contributions to the analysis of landslides focuses on analytical, FEM, and MPM analysis of slope instability and the post-failure response in saturated/unsaturated soils including thermal pressurization and soil liquefaction. In this field, her paper entitled "Thermal effects in landslide mobility" was awarded the Telford Gold Medal in 2019 given by the Institution of Civil Engineers (United Kingdom). She has served as consultant in the design and definition of mitigation measurements of projects affected by landslides.
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Sabatino Cuomo
Sabatino Cuomo is Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Salerno, Italy. He is Coordinator of LARAM School (International School on "LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation) for PhD students, and Board Officer for the Italian Chapter of IGS (International Geosynthetics Society). Prof. Sabatino Cuomo serves as Associate Editor-in-Chief of Geoenvironmental Disaster Journal, Springer, and member of the Editorial Board of Computers and Geotechnics, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Soils and Foundations, Geotechnical Engineering, and Environmental Geotechnics. His research interests include Landslide Mechanisms, Solid-fluid transition, Landslide Dynamics, Regional slope stability, Slope erosion, Geosynthetics reinforcement, Laboratory testing of unsaturated soils, Constitutive Modelling. He has published more than 150 papers in international journals and conference proceedings.Vassilis Marinos
Dr Vassilis Marianos is an assistant Professor of Engineering Geology at the National Technical University of Athens, School of Civil Engineering and the president - elect of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) for the period 2023-2026. Vassilis Marianos serves as vice President of the IAEG for Europe for the period 2019-2022. His research interests include numerous highway projects, tunnelling, rockfall and landslide analysis, dam foundation, geohazards correlated to natural gas pipelines, conventional engineering geological works (field work, ground investigation programs, geo-data processing, geotechnical analysis), design of engineering structures in rock and use of 3D point clouds (from LiDar and UAVs) for rock mass structural analysis towards rockfall-landslide hazard and stability analysis and monitoring.Francesca Ceccato
Dr Francesca Ceccato is a doctor in Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences from the University of Padua. The scientific activity has mainly focused on the numerical modeling of problems at large displacements through the
Material Point Method (MPM). In particular, geotechnical problems such as the advance of piezocone in different
drainage conditions, the propagation of granular flows and their impact on defense works, slope stability. She contributed
to the development of an open source software based on MPM called Anura3D, of which she is now part of the core team
of developers.
Her research interests also include the foundations of historic buildings in the city of Venice, geotechnical surveys on site
(especially the study of the interpretation of CPT tests), the stability of embankments and natural slopes.
As far as teaching activity is concerned, she has been a lecturer in the courses of Geotechnical Analysis and Modelling,
Geological and Geotechnical Engineering, Elements of Foundations and Geotechnics at the University of Padua and also
of the course of Geotechnciques at the Ecole National des Traveaux Publiques (Yaoundè). He has also been supervisor
or co-supervisor of numerous Bachelor's and Master's Degree theses and has supervised or collaborated in the tutoring of
doctoral theses.